Civil Law

Sousouras & Partners Law Firm

Civil agreements regulating private and commercial law relationships

Corporate acquisition agreements -NDA, Due Diligence, S&P Agreements, Final Closure Agreements

Actions for damages in tort and tort

Inheritance rights, expertise and experience in specialised probate and wills matters.

Civil and Commercial Tenancy disputes, rent recovery orders, rent abatement proceedings, providing legal advice on civil and commercial tenancy law.

Compensation from motor vehicle accidents, lawsuits against insurance companies and Auxiliary Capital

Neighborhood law.

Establishment of personal and capital companies, unions, civil non-profit companies. Full legal support regarding amendment of their statutes. Management of corporate transactions and information on the special legislation governing the various categories.

Securities Law – all matters relating to cheques, bills of exchange/promissory notes, commercial orders, promissory notes. Enforcement for debt collection, foreclosures, mortgage foreclosures, auctions.

The operation of our office is based on &”private banking” standards, i.e. the private and personalized provision of legal services.